Saturday, April 9, 2011

Traits i want in my future spouse.

Traits of future spouse


Jake Doriot

The traits I want in my future spouse are Humor, Trust, Calmness, Fun to be around, Happy, Humble, generous, loves God, and smart, . I want my spouse to have Humor because I don’t think I could live without at least some humor that’s what keeps me going. Trust because I want to be able to trust my spouse with any and every problem I have. Calmness because im pretty calm plus when I see people just freaking out and going crazy I just look down on them and I don’t want to do that with my spouse. Fun to be around because I want my spouse to be fun to be around I don’t want it to be boring and lame I want It to be fun and joking around and stuff like that. Happy because I don’t want my spouse to be sad because I would end up being sad I want my spouse to be happy. Humble because I don’t want my spouse to be a snob because I don’t  like people that act like they are better then me or have more or stupid stuff like that. Generous because I want my spouse to have a good heart and be wanting to give I just think it’s a good trait in general. Loves God because that’s the most important thing in your life and if im going to have a spouse I want her to walk in the light of the lord along side me. Smart because I don’t want her to be stupid I guess plus I stink at personal finance.
I want to be able to enjoy my life to the fullest with my spouse so I cant make up my spouse in my mind I couldn’t make all of my spouses perfections and imperfections and im sure ill know when I see my spouse. Those are the traits I want in my future spouse because I want to be able to live my life with my spouse not have to work on our marriage or struggle in life and I know there will be something’s that I cant help along those lines but that’s why I want my spouse to be able to handle them and not freak out and stuff. I cant think of much more but it would be cool if my spouse liked Video games and that my spouse could stand my friends cause they can be pretty stupid sometimes.

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