What’s in a name.
Jake Doriot
My Name is Jakob Zane Doriot im pretty sure my last name is from the French speaking area of Sweden that’s only because my cousin found it out some how but my first name is Jakob it means Supplanter which means one who takes place or moves into position of another so a substitute. my middle name Zane means Gods Gift but for my last name Doriot I couldn’t find anything about it, both my grandparents are dead so I couldn’t ask them and my dad didn’t know. If I could have chosen a different name for myself I think I would have chosen the same one I might have switched Jakob and Zane around but that’s all. I just like my name I don’t know why I just do so I would stay with the same one I have today plus I like my initials JZD. The story behind my name is sorta weird but my older brother Niklas Wilder Doriot was of course born before me but my name Jakob just went along well when they shortened it like Nik and Jake and my middle name Zane went along with my brothers middle name Wilder so my name was based upon my brothers name I just think its sorta funny. My mom and dad told me that they were about to chose the name Palladin but I cant find any meanings for that name either and the name Gage means pledge or oath. My name Jakob is a Hebrew name its pronounced like yahkob I just found that on the internet though so my mom and dad might have just named me Jacob with a K but it would be cool if that was my name I don’t know though. All my friends call me Jake though I bet more then half don’t even know my real name is Jakob but I don’t much care if they do. Most of my family call me jakey also they all know my real name though.
When I was a little kid the white/green ranger had the same middle name as me so I made everyone call me Zane until I got bored with it. My mom still wont let me forget that but I don’t much care the power rangers are cool. I remember at co-op a few of my teachers every time pronounced my name entirely wrong it was like jay-kob just sorta funny and my last name has a silent T on the end so everyone messes that up also so its Doriot with a silent T. My name Jakob is sorta weird but I share my name with one of the Minecraft developers which is one of the video games I play so that’s cool and everything.
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