What’s in a name.
Jake Doriot
My Name is Jakob Zane Doriot im pretty sure my last name is from the French speaking area of Sweden that’s only because my cousin found it out some how but my first name is Jakob it means Supplanter which means one who takes place or moves into position of another so a substitute. my middle name Zane means Gods Gift but for my last name Doriot I couldn’t find anything about it, both my grandparents are dead so I couldn’t ask them and my dad didn’t know. If I could have chosen a different name for myself I think I would have chosen the same one I might have switched Jakob and Zane around but that’s all. I just like my name I don’t know why I just do so I would stay with the same one I have today plus I like my initials JZD. The story behind my name is sorta weird but my older brother Niklas Wilder Doriot was of course born before me but my name Jakob just went along well when they shortened it like Nik and Jake and my middle name Zane went along with my brothers middle name Wilder so my name was based upon my brothers name I just think its sorta funny. My mom and dad told me that they were about to chose the name Palladin but I cant find any meanings for that name either and the name Gage means pledge or oath. My name Jakob is a Hebrew name its pronounced like yahkob I just found that on the internet though so my mom and dad might have just named me Jacob with a K but it would be cool if that was my name I don’t know though. All my friends call me Jake though I bet more then half don’t even know my real name is Jakob but I don’t much care if they do. Most of my family call me jakey also they all know my real name though.
When I was a little kid the white/green ranger had the same middle name as me so I made everyone call me Zane until I got bored with it. My mom still wont let me forget that but I don’t much care the power rangers are cool. I remember at co-op a few of my teachers every time pronounced my name entirely wrong it was like jay-kob just sorta funny and my last name has a silent T on the end so everyone messes that up also so its Doriot with a silent T. My name Jakob is sorta weird but I share my name with one of the Minecraft developers which is one of the video games I play so that’s cool and everything.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Symbolic recipe
Symbolic recipe
Jake Doriot
2 Cups of Happiness. (Shake well)
1 Cup of Stubbornness.
1 ½ Cup of Boredom.
1 Cup of sleepiness.
1 ½ Cups of love
1 tbsp of anger.
1 tsp of patience
First add the anger and patience together to make a mixture of the two sense they balance each other out then add the wet ingredients(love and happiness) in to the mixture and stir well for about 5 minutes then let it sit for an hour once you have done this it should be like a doughy consistency role it out in to a round shape like a pizza the stubbornness will act like the sauce then as the toppings add Boredom and sleepiness then cook it for about 9 months. Once it is done cooking pull it out of the oven and let sit for an hour and now you have a Jake Pizza.
Jake Doriot
2 Cups of Happiness. (Shake well)
1 Cup of Stubbornness.
1 ½ Cup of Boredom.
1 Cup of sleepiness.
1 ½ Cups of love
1 tbsp of anger.
1 tsp of patience
First add the anger and patience together to make a mixture of the two sense they balance each other out then add the wet ingredients(love and happiness) in to the mixture and stir well for about 5 minutes then let it sit for an hour once you have done this it should be like a doughy consistency role it out in to a round shape like a pizza the stubbornness will act like the sauce then as the toppings add Boredom and sleepiness then cook it for about 9 months. Once it is done cooking pull it out of the oven and let sit for an hour and now you have a Jake Pizza.
Map of my life.
Map of my life
Jake Doriot
Im just sorta gonna go along with the pictures from the scrap book my mom made me when I was younger. Well it starts out with my brother and my mom and dad passing me around I guess right after I came home from the hospital. then there is a few pictures of me “ sun bathing” as my mom says then its me and my older brother I guess I was maybe a few months old and we are playing in our room with all of our toys. My pa paw holding my on his lap I was maybe 2-3 in that picture. The next picture is me waiting for our new beds that we had until last year when we bought new ones. Then there is just a few pictures of me sleeping when I was a baby and my dad holding me and stuff. Now its my birthday I have a Rugrats cake and a Tommy doll in my hands and everyone is eating cake. So I guess this one is my birthday again and its me and my cousin Phoenix sitting in the car waiting for my mom. Now im in preschool playing with my friends Gabe and John me and Gabe are still bros today I don’t know what happened to john though so yeah. I remember a lot of the ones sense my birthday with phoenix but im pretty sure im in kinder garden now but im sick and my granny came up and made me some food cause I guess my mom was at work or something then my granny gave me a transformer then I remember my brother broke it cause he thought It could fly…..but yeah im sure I got him back. The last one in the scrape book is my first day in 1st grade once again with my friend Gabe and we are just sitting there getting our picture taken. Now im just gonna go off memories but the next thing I remember is getting out of school for like a hole month because I said I was scared of some kid I was just doing to get out of school I thought it was funny though.
Then I remember me and my friend Austin scared my friend Gabe with some alien costume and we put it on the vacuum and threw it at him that was also funny. The next big thing I remember was when me my brother my cousin Madison and one of my friends went to summer camp for the first time it was sooo fun so iv gone back for every year so far but I remember it being a very far walk from the cabins to like every where so we all complained about that. Then I remember one year where I broke like 5-6 bones over the summer over at my friend lukes house and at the lake but I broke my foot twice then I just broke my fingers a few time but it was in stupid ways just really stupid ways like getting hit with a baseball bat that’s one of the ways I broke my finger then at the lake someone tried to push my in to the water but my foot caught on the rope tie thingy and it broke my foot but yeah like I said just stupid ways that they broke. it’s the next summer now and its me my friends Nathan and Josiah and we went to camp again but there was a bell that they rang to tell everyone its time for the next activity and one day it was upside down so my friend Nathan decided it would be a good idea to kick the pole it was on so he did and the bell fell over he fell to the ground wailing for it to stop it was so funny because he had to go tell everyone that he did it and me and Josiah where just laughing so hard then both of us lost our voices that week from the worship that was pretty funny. that’s really all nothing that good has happened sense the end of summer last year but yeah I guess im done.
Jake Doriot
Im just sorta gonna go along with the pictures from the scrap book my mom made me when I was younger. Well it starts out with my brother and my mom and dad passing me around I guess right after I came home from the hospital. then there is a few pictures of me “ sun bathing” as my mom says then its me and my older brother I guess I was maybe a few months old and we are playing in our room with all of our toys. My pa paw holding my on his lap I was maybe 2-3 in that picture. The next picture is me waiting for our new beds that we had until last year when we bought new ones. Then there is just a few pictures of me sleeping when I was a baby and my dad holding me and stuff. Now its my birthday I have a Rugrats cake and a Tommy doll in my hands and everyone is eating cake. So I guess this one is my birthday again and its me and my cousin Phoenix sitting in the car waiting for my mom. Now im in preschool playing with my friends Gabe and John me and Gabe are still bros today I don’t know what happened to john though so yeah. I remember a lot of the ones sense my birthday with phoenix but im pretty sure im in kinder garden now but im sick and my granny came up and made me some food cause I guess my mom was at work or something then my granny gave me a transformer then I remember my brother broke it cause he thought It could fly…..but yeah im sure I got him back. The last one in the scrape book is my first day in 1st grade once again with my friend Gabe and we are just sitting there getting our picture taken. Now im just gonna go off memories but the next thing I remember is getting out of school for like a hole month because I said I was scared of some kid I was just doing to get out of school I thought it was funny though.
Then I remember me and my friend Austin scared my friend Gabe with some alien costume and we put it on the vacuum and threw it at him that was also funny. The next big thing I remember was when me my brother my cousin Madison and one of my friends went to summer camp for the first time it was sooo fun so iv gone back for every year so far but I remember it being a very far walk from the cabins to like every where so we all complained about that. Then I remember one year where I broke like 5-6 bones over the summer over at my friend lukes house and at the lake but I broke my foot twice then I just broke my fingers a few time but it was in stupid ways just really stupid ways like getting hit with a baseball bat that’s one of the ways I broke my finger then at the lake someone tried to push my in to the water but my foot caught on the rope tie thingy and it broke my foot but yeah like I said just stupid ways that they broke. it’s the next summer now and its me my friends Nathan and Josiah and we went to camp again but there was a bell that they rang to tell everyone its time for the next activity and one day it was upside down so my friend Nathan decided it would be a good idea to kick the pole it was on so he did and the bell fell over he fell to the ground wailing for it to stop it was so funny because he had to go tell everyone that he did it and me and Josiah where just laughing so hard then both of us lost our voices that week from the worship that was pretty funny. that’s really all nothing that good has happened sense the end of summer last year but yeah I guess im done.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
journal 24 (What do you like to do in your free time? )
What i do in my free time i hangout with my friends play some video games just stuff like that most of the time my friend Gian comes and spends the weekend with me and my family so yeah that's what we do most of the time just play video games we might go see a movie or something.
journal 23 (What do you think about students having to wear school uniforms? )
I can sorta understand not wearing some outfits but i don't really like wearing polo shirts to co-op though i just think it would be so much more comfortable wearing just a normal shirt but yeah i understand why they make use wear it cause im sure there is someone at co-op that would take it to far if they didn't have a dress code.
journal 22 (What do you think about when you can't fall asleep? )
What i think about when i cant fall asleep. I always think of the worst stuff when i cant fall asleep like what would happen if my mom and dad died like where would i go what would i do how would i deal in public school what will happen with me and my friends just things like that i always just think things over way to much but yeah thats what i think about when i cant fall asleep.
journal 21 (Why is it important to be honest? )
I think being honest is important because you can lie and lie and lie but then at the end you don't have the truth to back it up and when ever i lie at least if its anything big i just feel bad plus it always comes back to bite me in the butt so that's why i think its good to be honest.
Journal 20 (What is more important to you, appearance or personality? )
Personality is way way more important to me then appearance i mean its good to look clean and have nice cloths on but that's not what makes the person and im sure i judge just by someones looks but that can be good and bad sometimes at least that's what i think.
journals 19 (What eccentric behaviour in a friend disturbs you the most? )
Well my friend Gian i guess the one i spend the most time with he just gets the grumps going on for him sometimes i understand and everything just that's what bugs me the most but if you spend enough time with anyone your gonna find something that bugs you but that's what makes Gian if he acted like what i wanted him to be then i don't think he would be my friend.
journal 18 (What four things are most important in your life? )
The four most important things in my life would be friends because without my friends i wouldn't do anything like ever and it would just be boring without my friends im sure iv said how important my friends are to many plenty of times. family yeah just because they are always gonna be there in the end. My dog Jack just cause he is my doggy and i love my little doggy and i guess i could say my home that i live in ya know cause its my house.
Journal 17 (What three words would describe you right now? )
The three words that would describe me right now would be rushed because i got a bunch of homework to do tired because i just got back from a little surprise vacation and hungry just cause i haven't had anything to eat sense earlier this morning at my pa paws house.
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