Sunday, February 27, 2011

journal 16 (What would you do if a bully bothered you on your way home? )

No one has ever bullied me before and iv never really been in a real fist fight but i think i could at least compete with this bully and even if i cant my friends would have my back but yeah i don't think i would be a big enough problem to have to stoop to this bullies level anyways so i would probably ignore him.

journal 15 (What if cows gave root beer instead of milk?)

I don't know if that would be horrid or amazing probably both at the same time because you be having root beer in your cereal i mean milk shakes wouldn't be that bad cause then its just a root beer float but still i think i would much rather drink milk for the rest of my life then root beer.

journal 14 (What is something that really bugs you? )

Something that really bugs me is when people use "text speak" on like facebook and stuff i don't know why it just bugs me seems like they could just type the entire word out with the same amount of effort it takes to type U or UR just bugs me.

journal 13 (What is your favorite holiday? What makes this holiday special?

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because my cousins come up for a few days or so and we just hangout and do stuff its just fun plus there's a bunch of food so i mean not much more to ask for.

journal 12 (What is your favorite month? Why?)

My favorite month is February because that's the month my birthday is in plus i just like the end of winter cause there are some days that are perfect not to cold and not to hot but yeah main reason is that's the month my birthday is in.

journal 11 (What is a good neighbors)

I think a good neighbor is one that will go ahead and spray your weeds on your fence while he/she is spraying theirs. just little things to make your day easier on you that's what a good neighbor would do at least that's what my neighbors do for my family.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

journal 10 (I wish I had a million... Then I would...)

If i had a million bucks i think i would give some to my friends or at least buy them some nice stuff i would buy my self a lot of stuff just things i think are cool but i would save half of it for later like when i buy a house or i need to pay some bills or just something like that but yeah i think that's what i would do.

journal 9 (How would you feel if someone told you that you were his or her best friend? )

what i would feel if someone told me i was their best friend. i think if anyone said that i was their best friend they would most likely be mine also just because we probably hang out a lot  and do stuff but yeah i dont like just having one best friend like right now i have eight of my best friend over at my house sitting here playing games while im writing this. so i think that's what i would feel just happy and most likely the same as they feel.

journal 8 (What do we mean when we say, "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"? )

I think that means that if your nice you can make more friends and if your bitter and mean you just wont have any by the end of it which i think is true because thats what my mom and dad have told me my entire life.

Journal 7 (What is your favorite day of the week? )

My favorite day of the week would be Friday and the only reason i like it is that its the last day of the school week. A lot of my friends come over for the entire weekend so that's pretty cool but yeah that's why Friday is my favorite day of the week.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Journal 6 (What would happen if there were no television? Why would this be good? bad? )

I think a lot would happen at first  i mean people want to watch TV because its easy entertainment you don't have to get dressed up and go see a play you can sit there in your underwear  in your den and watch TV for how ever long but if its taken away if there is no way you can watch TV people will revert back to whatever we did before TV. so i think that it would have a fairly big impact at first but then people would forget and find better things to do with their time i don't watch much TV though so i don't think i would much care.

Journal 5 (What is your favorite room in your home and why?)

My favorite room in my house has to be the den. I like the den cause me and my family can come down in the den all together and watch TV play some games or just talk. its also my favorite room because  it has the computer it has the big TV so i can hock up my Xbox and play with my friends plus its the biggest room in the house. so yeah i like my den the best its where all me and my friends can hangout and play some video game.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Journal 4(a day in the life of a hobo)

Well i dont really know what hobos do so im just gonna pretend im a hobo and go threw what i would do.  I would probably have a tent so first thing i would do is wake up in my tent with my dog James might take him for a walk and pick up some cans. after that we might go down to the roads and try and get some money for some food then some guy will scream EAT THE DOG! at us so my dog whimpers so we don't get any money from that guy but we do got like 3 cans so it wont be that bad i mean maybe some pennies right? 

Journal 3 ( Tall Tells)

This tall tell wasnt really a family tall tell but my dad has told it like a million times so yeah.
 once upon a time there was a very old lady called  Granny February. She set on her front porch by the covered Bridge in Elizabethton TN. One day a tornado swooped her off her front porch and in to the river. they say that if you go threw the covered bridge and don't role your windows up she might get in and if you go to her grave on Halloween you can hear her rocking chair rocking back and forth.

Journals 2 ( alphabet )

A-Absorbent . B- Blamo. C- Caring- D- dapper. E- energetic. F- Fancy. G-Gooood lookin. H- Happy. I- Incredible. k- Kickin. J- Jake. L-Ludicrous. M- Masterful. N-Now.O-Omniscient. P- Powerful. Q- Quite
R-Radical. S- stealthy T- Terrible. U- Undulating. V- Very goood lookin. W- White. X- xenodocheionology.

Journal 1(vaulable lessons)

I think the ten most valuable lessons i have learned are to have a good work ethic, be happy with what i have, be glad that i have parents that provide for me, don't listen Luke Upchurch no matter what , Don't hassle the Hoff, that i have grown up in a fortunate family, to live in the moment but have a plan for the future, that i dont need to climb to the top of the tree where the branches are dead and Not to run in the field at church with my shoes off that never turns out good. i got the good work ethic and being thankful for most everything from my dad most of the others one i just learn from being an idiot once or twice then realizing that it was a bad idea in the first place.